Listed below are the accounts you are able to contribute to online. If you would like to give to a different ministry or account, please call the church office at 765-962-8543
General Budget
Giving to our general budget allows us to fund our day-to-day activities at Central UMC. Your contribution will goes towards things like worship resources, utilities, and building up-grades. If you are a member and would like to see a full copy of our yearly budget, please call the church office at 765-962-8543
Central Early Learning Center
Giving to our Early Learning Center allows us to provide the best care for our children and families. Your contribution will go towards classroom upgrades, curriculum, and other activities that will keep our Learning Center running. For more information, please call the church office at 765-962-8543
Community Food Pantry
The Community Food Pantry is located at 306 N. 19th St., Richmond, IN 47374. The Community Food Pantry’s mission is to provide food consistent with a balanced diet sufficient for 3 days. Your contribution will go towards the purchase of food and other supplies.
Benevolence Fund
Central’s Benevolence Fund is used to help members of our community with various needs such as gas, food, clothing, shelter, and other various items. Each request is approved by our pastors and is on a case-by-case basis. If you are in need of assistance, please call the church office at 765-962-8543
As the humanitarian relief and development arm of the United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief – UMCOR – assists United Methodist Churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.