Faith Once Delivered: A Wesleyan Witness Part 5

Recently, 50 plus scholars, theologians, and pastors from varied Methodist/Wesleyan backgrounds gathered for an event called the Next Methodism. There they produced a document called the Faith Once Delivered: A Wesleyan Witness. In the coming weeks, we will cover parts of their work in this blog.  

Paragraphs 50-55…The Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit is not a passive actor to be discussed from a distance, but rather an active agent throughout all of Scripture and into our very lives.  The Third person of the Trinity draws us into God’s work as the Spirit restores the image of God in us. 

The Holy Spirit empowers our church and gives xaris or gifts for the church to be built up.  By this work Truth is revealed and power is made manifest.  Life in the Spirit, most clearly seen in the life of Jesus, brings us peace, joy, and mighty deeds. 

May the Holy Spirit reveal the fullness of God in your life this week.  Let us part now with the words of Charles Wesley:

Spirit of faith, come down,reveal the things of God,and make to us the Godhead known,and witness with the blood.‘Tis thine the blood to applyand give us eyes to see,who did for every sinner diehath surely died for me.

No one can truly saythat Jesus is the Lord,unless thou take the veil awayand breathe the living Word.Then, only then, we feelour interest in his blood,and cry with joy unspeakable,“Thou art my Lord, my God!”

“Spirit of Faith Come Down”

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