6/10/22 Updates

Best Summer Ever Church Website Banner
VBS Bubble Church Website BannerCelebrating Pastor Phil
Join us on Sunday, June 12th after worship as we say farewell to Pastor Phil. We’d like to honor him and wish him Godspeed in his new lead pastor ministry in Lafayette, Indiana.


United Methodist Women is now UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH. Not only have we changed our name, but we have also changed our meeting date for June.  We will meet on the FOURTH Thursday, June 23, at 1:00 in Fellowship Hall.  We will elect and install our UWFaith officers for 2022-2023.  You can also join us for lunch at noon by contacting Shanron Rider or Mary Ann Brooks. Creative Hands will also meet that day from 9:00-12:00.  Come join us for fun, fellowship, and good food!

Proposed officers for UWFaith 2022-2023 are:

President—Ann Cashner

Vice President—Electa Berk

Secretary—Amy McKee

Treasurer—Barb Shirden

Social Action—Sally Sayre

Program Resources—Elizabeth Holmes

Spiritual Growth Coordinator—Linda Smith

Outreach/Missions Coordinator—Shanron Rider



June 24, 2022 6:30pm-8:30pm & June 25, 2022 10am-4pm $40 (Scholarships Available) All over the world, people have difficulty sharing their faith. They can share about their love for their children, or their excitement about a new movie or restaurant, but sharing about their faith feels much harder. Yet evangelism, at its core is not a rigid set of techniques to be mastered. Rather, it is simply showing and sharing the love of Jesus.

Satellite Site: Central United Methodist Church – Richmond, IN

The training will be streamed in from Delphi UMC. Participants will be able to communicate with the main site and be in conversation with others at the regional site. Registration includes lunch. Satellite site participants may join the Friday session via Zoom. 

For more information click here 

To register click here 


UMFaith Mission U 2022 – Deadline is July 1st!

Don’t forget to register for UWFaith’s MISSION u 2022. This will be a virtual event, held July 15-17. We will study Luke 13. The virtual event will include music, worship, discussion, and study. Registration is only $25. You can register and receive your Mission u study book by contacting the registrar, Barb McCoy at barb.mccoy@frontier.com. If you would like to take part in Mission u with some friends, contact Electa Berk. She will be having a “viewing party” at her house in

July. Contact Electa at electa_b@yahoo.com. If you have questions about UWFaith or about Mission u 2022, contact Ann Cashner at 765-962-8458 email her at dovesnestphotos@icloud.com or text 765-994-1979. You can find out more at UWFaith.org. Registration ends July 1st!

Summer Camp Sun Church Website BannerWhat is an Usher?
An usher by definition is one who assist a person find a seat in a theater or in church. A Central usher is more than assisting a person to a seat. A Central usher greets every person with kindness, willing to show a person where the restroom is, can find the Upper Room booklet and other duties as required. A Central usher is always serving the Lord as they do their duties. Being a Central usher represents how Central relates to the congregation and visitors. Being a Central usher is easily done. A person can contact Electa Berk by leaving a message at the church office or contacting Pastor Joseph about becoming a Central usher.

Sunday Greeters

Are you looking for a way to participate on Sundays? Sign-up to be a Sunday Greeter! A sign-up sheet is in the entryway. We would like to have 2 people for each Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Carol Hinshaw.
Lamplighter Devotionals and Testimonies
We are asking for devotionals and testimonies from the congregation to be shared in a future Lamplighter. If you feel led to share, please submit yours to Christin at christin@richmondcumc.com.

Volunteers needed for camps

Impact 2818 staff is hard at work planning for camp this summer, and they need many volunteers to make it happen. Volunteers are needed to take photos, lead worship, cook food, run technology, mow fields, be safety spotters, medics, camp counselors, and more! Click here to read how you can help.

Child Dedication Sunday Church Website BannerFood Truck Party VBS

July 24th – 28th

This year Central is proud to join in the fun with First UMC and Centerville UMC for Food Truck Party! Vacation Bible School is happening July 24-28 from 6-8 PM each evening at First UMC (318 National Road West) All pre-school – 5th graders are welcome! Need more information or want to get more involved? Call Jen Seger, she is our Central VBS coordinator for this year! More information to come!


Summer Music Camp

July 18th  – July 20th

Central is excited to offer a music camp this summer available for grades 2nd through 6th. Please reach out to Madeleine Demetriades if you are interested in signing up, or if you are able to volunteer: madeleine@richmondcumc.com. More information to come!

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